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Professor Falati is active under the umbrella of Albany Law School's "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Opportunity Pathway". For more info. on this pathway, please see here.


During the academic semester, Professor Falati at Albany Law School in New York teaches a hybrid course called "Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies".  Part of this course is theory, and part of it is practical.  During the practical phase, Albany Law School students work with real-life technology Entrepreneurs developing new tech. innovations. 


The technology-focused Entrepreneurs are based across New York and Massachusetts, some at different Technology Incubators in different regions of NY and MA. Students team-up in pairs and travel with Professor Falati across NY and MA to meet and interview the technology Entrepreneurs, and work with them on legal aspects of commercializing their tech. platform. 

Pictures below show examples of Albany Law School student teams, traveling with Professor Falati to represent new technology-focused Entrepreneurs across NY and in MA. 


To review testimonials from law students, see here.

To review testimonials from technology entrepreneurs, see here.

Joni and Raynard representing Julie Dix

Tech. Entrepreneur worked with Albany Law Students Gagnon and Zucker on a second idea, having had the first become a multi million dollar, nationally famous brand product distributed across the US by Scholastic.   


TECH.: New house-hold item to reduce clutter in homes


Albany Law School students McGee and Tzovaras represented Tech. Entrepreneur who was invited to present at Forbes 30 Under 30 Awards ceremony in Boston with a $1m prize given to the winning presentation by Ashton Kutcher.

TECH.: New medical equipment for blood sampling

Kate & Jon representing Dr. Crain in SUN
Kate & Jon representing Dr. Crain in SUN
Kate & Jon representing Dr. Crain in SUN

Albany Law Students Shea and Upton in Plattsburg, NY, work with Tech. Entrepreneurs.

TECH.: A New kind of Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system

Albany Law Students Carpenter and Moran traveled to Paul Smith’s College in Adirondacks to represent Tech. Entrepreneur


Tech.: Use of Sound to Increase Performance in Business

Mary Beth & Andrew with Dr. McClure from
Mary Beth & Andrew with Dr. McClure from
Kate & Jon representing Dr. Crain in SUN
Kate & Jon representing Dr. Crain in SUN
Kate & Jon representing Dr. Crain in SUN
Mary Beth & Andrew with Dr. McClure from
Mary Beth & Andrew with Dr. McClure from
Matt and Fayyaz representing Austin & Ta

Albany Law Students Piccirillo and Ahmed worked with Entrepreneurs at Tech. Incubator in Massachusetts. 

TECH.: New tech. to find lost commercial items at sea

Mary Beth & Andrew with Dr. McClure from

Albany Law Students Nagy and Tesiny traveled to Technology Incubator in Massachusetts to work with Tech. Entrepreneur. 

TECH.: E-Commerce Platform for High-End Designer Fashion

Albany Law Students McDaniels and Mieses travel an hour west of Buffalo. Tech. Entrepreneur won a NSF Innovation award. Worked with Albany Law Students to help take innovative tech. from the lab to the market.

TECH.: New Airline Flight Tracker Technology

Albany Law Student Mieses receives and accepts Entrepreneur Lead job offer to co-lead Aerospace Start-up Company in 2019. 

TECH.: New Airline Flight Tracker Technology


Albany Law Student Mieses presents at the NYC Regional Innovation Node.

Will travel in U.S. States to pitch Aerospace companies.  TECH.: New Airline Flight Tracker Technology


Albany Law School students Castiglia, Hobaica and Patel work with "Elite" Tech. Entrepreneur;  works with Blackstone Launchpad (UAlbany's campus-based Entrepreneurship Program).

TECH.: Renewable Energy; High Efficiency Solar Energy Production; Weather Prediction


As well as engagements with Technology Entrepreneurs, Albany Law School's Innovation & IP programing also encourages law students to attend monthly meetings with practicing IP lawyers from law firms & industry. 


Prof. Falati attends monthly meetings and invites students.  Meetings are held in either Albany or in White Plains, NY.

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The IP & Innovation American Inn of Court, and the Eastern NY  IP Law Association host a joint function at The Desmond in Albany. 


Ten Albany Law School students talk to practicing IP lawyers from industry and law firms, as well as two Judges from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of NY, and a former Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

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Prof. Falati at another Technology Incubator (the "THINCUBATOR") in Western NY.  Chaired Young Innovators forum, and conducted potential tech. entrepreneur client intakes for Fall semester's hybrid clinic.


National Jurist identified 20 law schools across U.S. which are on the cutting edge when it comes to preparing students for the future.


This ELET course highlighted.  Albany Law School’s ELET course highlighted for Entrepreneurship, together with UC Hastings College of Law and Vanderbilt University Law School.  Other 19 innovative law schools include the law schools of Stanford University, Cornell, Duke, Georgetown and others.

ELET:  Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies

(Albany Law School hybrid clinical course)


In October of 2019, Albany Law School students taking the ELET hybrid class traveled to MA to attend the Innovation Summit.

Great opportunity to hear five professional pitches for ideas, with judges and investors present.  Albany Law Students to return in three weeks' time to work with tech. entrepreneurs in Massachusetts.    

The keynote speaker was technology entrepreneur and Founder of AOL, Steve Case.

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One takeaway from Steve Case fireside chat:  "Idea without execution is just a hallucination"


PAUL GREENGARD, Ph.D. (Nobel Laureate in Medicine)

By Seve Falati

The world lost a very creative, driven gentleman this year: Paul Greengard, Ph.D., Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine.  As his obituary in Nature magazine outlined, he would go out of his way to acknowledge and elevate the contributions of his group members and collaborators.  That is something that stood out for me, as I worked with him on his teams’ and a collaborating labs’ patent applications while I practiced as an IP lawyer and before I started teaching IP / Tech. Innovation / Commercialization related courses at Albany Law School in NY. 


I was about to reach out in September of 2019 and re-connect with Dr. Greengard and travel with two of our upper level Albany Law School students to Rockefeller University and have him be a client of our technology-focused Entrepreneurship Law Clinic (something I know he would have made time for), and felt deflated and sad to learn of his passing this past Summer.  I paused to reflect on his life, spent working on two continents and even as he later gained fame and prominence after joining Rockefeller University, always continuing to highlight junior Scientists' work - what a class act to emulate.  May his gentle soul rest in peace.  Seve Falati

Paul Greengard, Ph.D., Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine.  For his obituary in Nature, please see:

“Our research group studies the molecular defects responsible for neurological and psychiatric disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and Major Depressive Disorder, as well as the mechanisms of action by which neuro and psychoactive drugs produce their pharmacological actions in these disorders. 

We recently had an important discovery related to our work which was part of a collaboration between my laboratory and a laboratory at another large university.  My lead collaborator and I were very impressed by the professionalism and the scientific and legal knowledge that Dr. Falati and his team showed.  Seve's ability to grasp the scientific ideas quickly, to communicate well with both research groups and to manage large amounts of data within the patenting process was integral to our ability to take our work to the next level with commercialization in mind.  We enjoyed working with Seve and will look to do so again in the future.” 

Paul Greengard
Vincent Astor Professor
Laboratory of Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience
The Rockefeller University

1230 York Avenue

New York, NY 10065


Albany Law School students Katherine Borgemenke and Jamey Hoose work with Technology Entrepreneur and Vice President for Research at University at Albany, Dr. James Dias and his team.



Reproductive biology.

A new kind of contraceptive pill.  Two lead small molecule compounds, one working in a new way as a contraceptive and the other to better manage the hormonal imbalances during menopause. 


From left to right:

Peter Gonczlik, technology  commercialization manager at UAlbany, Albany Law School students Jamey Hoose and Katherine Borgemenke, Dr. James Dias, Dr. Barbara Weaver, and Albany Law School Prof. Seve Falati.


Upper level Albany Law School students Jamey Hoose and Katherine Borgemenke after the culmination of their two hour meeting with Tech. Entrepreneur Dr. James Dias at UAlbany President's conference suite in University Hall in Albany, NY.


Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies hybrid clinic travels to a Technology Incubator in Utica, NY.



Albany Law School students Tyler Rexhouse and Jad Haddad work with Technology Entrepreneur John Spina in a Technology Incubator in Utica, NY.



Mobile App.

Social media aggregator mobile app., especially useful for tourists and business travelers.


Albany Law School students Kris Wilson and Omar Nimri work with Technology Entrepreneur Paul Mulville under Prof. Seve Falati's supervision.



Tooling Instrumentation.

New hardware and software for better maintenance of costly manufacturing tools in the factories.  Helps reduce costs and prevents equipment failures at manufacturing facilities.  


Albany Law School students Kris Wilson, Jad Haddad and and Omar Nimri at thINCubator in Western NY.



Albany Law School students Wilson, Haddad and Nimri with Prof. Falati at the Griffiss Business and Technology Park in Rome, NY.


Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies hybrid clinic travels to Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA.



Albany Law student Mark Nesbitt travels to Boston in the evening with Prof. Falati and third year law student Sarah Currie, immediately after completing Gabrielli trial competition at Albany Law School.  Scheduling conflicts meant evening travel to Boston. 



Albany Law School student Mark Nesbitt and Sarah Currie with Prof. Seve Falati at the heart of the Harvard Medical School / Longwood medical campus in Boston, MA.  Four world famous hospitals are together with the medical school in this unique medical campus, unparalleled anywhere in the U.S. 


Here, tech.-focused Albany Law students Nesbitt and Currie are outside the Dana-Faber Cancer Institute with Prof. Falati.


Below, Albany Law students Nesbitt and Currie are in the lab of world renowned Hematologist, Dr. Bruce Furie.  Dr. Furie has trained over 100 Fellows and Residents, many of whom are current professors around the world and US.  His lab focuses on thrombosis, regulation of blood coagulation and understanding the pathways that lead to heart attacks and stroke.  The lab was for a long time one of the top three funded labs on the Harvard Medical School campus.  With over 100 publications to his name, Dr. Furie is also the author/editor of the Hematology textbook that Sarah Curie is holding below.




New drug to prevent heart attacks in cancer patients.

Multi-center human clinical trials to show the efficacy of a new treatment for cardiovascular complications of patients who have cancer.  Study was published in 2019, and this team of Physicians and Scientists engaged Albany Law School's ELET hybrid clinic to assist in commercialization efforts of this medical tech. 

Albany Law students Nesbitt and Currie with Professors Furie and Falati. 



After a three hour meeting with Dr. Furie, Albany Law students Nesbitt and Currie go for lunch with Prof. Falati.  Here, with a Resident, Ph.D. student and Postdoc at Harvard Medical School before going on the arranged lunch outing.



Albany Law students Mark Nesbitt and Sarah Currie with Prof. Falati and a highly sought after intravital microscopist, Mr. Glenn Merrill-Skollof at Harvard Medical School / Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.



Albany Law students James Martin and Richard Wiorkowski conduct Tech. Entrepreneur interview at Troy Innovation Garage in Troy, NY.



Albany Law students James Martin and Richard Wiorkowski conduct a 90 minute interview of Tech. Entrepreneur John DiBerbardi from University at Albany, NY.



New mobile app. technology geared to small businesses and their clients.

Tech. Entrepreneur referred to our ELET clinic by University at Albany's Blackstone LaunchPad, UAlbany's campus- based entrepreneurship program and Entrepreneur in Residence.


Albany Law students Krystal Macharie and Ben Bucinell and  Tech. Entrepreneur David Morse with Prof. Falati at Hollander Hall @ Williams College, MA.




A new note taking, arranging and retrieving platform.  Undergraduate student won a Entrepreneurship competition and seeks assistance in commercializing their team's idea.


Albany Law students Hannah Hage and Josh Perlman conduct a 100 minute interview of Tech. Entrepreneur based in the UK, Prof. Jon Gibbins.



Albany Law students taking part in Albany Law's  Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies hybrid clinic engage with Tech. Entrepreneur from the UK.


New hardware and software for assaying blood samples to give indication for propensity of undesirable future cardiovascular events such as a heart attack.  Dr. Gibbins seeks assistance on commercialization efforts for this new technology. 



Albany Law students Hannah Hage and Josh Perlman with Dr. Jon Gibbins, Head of the UK based Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research.



Albany Law students Hannah Hage and Josh Perlman with Prof. Falati in Albany Law School in NY on a long videoconference with the head of a large medical research institute comprising 25+ Faculty in the United Kingdom. 


Albany Law students taking part in Albany Law's  Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies hybrid clinic engage with Tech. Entrepreneur from the UK.



Albany Law School students Nicole Haddadnia and Matthew Hallock take part in Albany Law's  Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies hybrid clinic and travel to Massachusetts to engage with Tech. Entrepreneur team that won a New Venture competition.  Referred to Albany Law's ELET hybrid clinic by Williams College's innovation office. 


Albany Law School students  Haddadnia and Hallock here seen 40 minutes early for the meeting.



Novel and more advanced way to assess, monitor and predict concussions.  


This Tech. Entrepreneur team are three undergraduate students who seek guidance on commercialization of their new technology. Student team have won a monetary prize and were referred to Prof. Falati's ELET hybrid clinic at Albany Law School by the Innovation office and Entrepreneur in Residence at Williams College in MA. 


Albany Law School students  Haddadnia and Hallock travel to Massachusetts with Prof. Falati to engage with lead Tech. Entrepreneur Tristan Colaizzi and his team. 


Albany Law School students  Haddadnia and Hallock with Prof. Falati and lead Tech. Entrepreneur Tristan Colaizzi, Joe and Peter. 


Albany Law School students Krystal Macharie, Nicole Haddadnia, Matthew Hallock and Ben Bucinell with Prof. Falati after a long afternoon/early evening interviewing Technology Entrepreneurs in Massachusetts. 


Albany Law School students Julia Bates and Matthew Morales at the facilities of a rapidly expanding Technology start-up company.  Josh Levin, CEO, was the runner-up in a very well attended Innovation Summit in MA in 2019 to which law students from Albany Law School attended with Prof. Falati.    


Albany Law School students Julia Bates and Matthew Morales at the production facility of this rapidly expanding technology start-up company.


Julia here seen with the specialized compression medical device, patterned  to aid the breast cancer patient feel good.




Josh Levin, CEO of Lymphedivas, explains to Albany Law School students Bates and Morales  the non-proprietary equipment and process used to start the making of the medical device.




Specialized medical device to assist with Lymphadema, a side effect of breast cancer treatment that causes permanent swelling in the arms.  



The CEO's sister, Rachel Levin, died very young of breast cancer.  Sister came up with a new compression sleeve to help reduce fluid retention in her arms and styled it to be fashionable.  Became a success.  Brother, Josh Levin, is now CEO of a rapidly expanding technology company.




Albany Law School students Julia Bates and Matthew Morales with Josh Levin, CEO of Lymphedivas, and Albany Law School Prof. Falati at the Tech. company's facility in Pittsfield, MA.



Albany Law School students Jalen Crawford and Joseph Dagher at a Technology Incubator in MA.  Inventor and Tech. Entrepreneur Nick Strezynski won an open to the public MA Innovation & Entrepreneurship Challenge in 2019. 


Referred by mentors in MA to Prof. Falati's Entrepreneurship Law in Emerging Technologies hybrid law clinic at Albany Law School. Tech. Entrepreneur seeks guidance in commercializing the new technology.    



A novel way to prolong the life of shaving razor blades.


Tech. Entrepreneur won prize money from an Innovation & Entrepreneurship Challenge competition in MA in 2019. 


Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Tech. Entrepreneur Nick Strezynski seen below seen with Albany Law School students Jalen Crawford and Joseph Dagher and Prof. Falati, displaying the non-confidential aspects of the new technology. 




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Prof. Falati Takes his Law Students to Italy and arranges Summer IP Law Internships in Italy for Albany Law Students



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International Program:

For more on the efforts of Prof. Falati and Albany Law's Innovation & Technology Law Summer Academy in Italy, see here.  The program grew in the second year, with 43 people from 16 countries attending in Summer of 2019.

Academic Research Interests:
Prof. Falati's publications have been cited by over 1900 other academic publications spanning over a decade, according to Google Scholar. 

To review his latest academic publications, see here (2019) and here (2020).  These articles focus on IP law, Patent Law in particular, and published in the second and third ranked national IP law journals (out of 50+ specialist journals for IP and tech. law).

Prof. Falati has a very strong following and been a sought out mentor by many minority law students from different groups.  Based on his own background and his approach to legal education and law practice, he pushes his IP law students to better understand cross-cultural issues in law practice through his clinic, presented talks at law professor conferences in U.S. and abroad on cross-cultural issues, and most recently published an article on point (see here (2020)).
Prof. Falati was twice nominated for the Faculty teaching award, and ranked 2nd by Albany Law School for teaching medium sized law classes (16-35 students).

A selection of Prof. Falati's medical publications include:
1999; 2002; 2003; 2003; 2006.


Albany Law School Graduation (2020)


Prof. Falati's message to his IP law & Tech.-focused students and the wider graduating student body at Albany Law School in 2020. 

For official law school video, see here.    

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